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- Ix-xelter fis-sezzjoni 'Tar-Realtà' jinkludi diversi qtajja', dwal, foga u ħsejjes.
- Jekk tbati minn xi kundizzjoni ta' saħħa, l-organizzaturi jagħtu l-parir li s-sezzjoni 'Tar-Realtà', ma żżurhiex. Jekk il-persuna tiddeÄ‹iedi li tidħol xorta waħda, dan mhuwiex fir-responsabbiltà tal-organizzaturi.
- L-art hija diżlivellata.
- Fl-ebda ħin u ċirkostanzi ma jistgħu jintmessu l-atturi.
- L-organizzaturi qegħdin jinfurmaw lill-parteċipanti bil-quddiem li l-esperjenza tinkludi diversi qtajja' u effetti viżivi oħrajn u għalhekk mhumiex responsabbli għal li jista' jinqala'.
- Importanti li żżomm mal-ħin li tkun ibbukkjajt. Jekk tasal tard, u jekk ikun mimli l-ħin ta' wara, l-organizzaturi ma jkunux jistgħu jdaħħluk. Hemm limitu ta' nies li jistgħu jidħlu fl-istess ħin.
- Tfal huma dawk li għandhom sa 12-il sena. Tfal ma jistgħux jidħlu ġewwa x-xelter mingħajr is-superviżjoni ta' adult.




- The shelter in the 'Tar-Realtà' section includes various scenes, lights, smoke and sounds.

- If you suffer from any health condition, the organizers advise you not to visit the 'Tar-Realtà' section. If the person decides to enter anyway, this is not the responsibility of the organizers.

- The ground is uneven. - At no time and circumstances can the actors be touched.

- The organizers are informing the participants in advance that the experience includes several cuts and other visual effects and therefore they are not responsible for what may arise.

- It is important to stick to the time you have booked. If you arrive late, and if the following slot is full, the organizers will not be able to admit you. There is a limit of people who can enter at the same time.

- Children are those who are up to 12 years old. Children cannot enter the shelter without the supervision of an adult.

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